I am a patient person
I worry some but I don't let it show
I push it away and try not to let the anxiety
get the best of me
But it does
I find it easy to show affection
for it is something that I have had
just a little as a child
But as one once said Once you have had
a taste of it you always want it
But alas I did not get the affection
I always wanted
So I turn what I never really receive towards
the one I love and offer all the affection
I can give
But I see worrisome feelings in her silence
and body and I wonder
Did she ever receive
the affection I received
I feel it is hard for her to show affection
at this point in time
But I need not fear for it is only a passing
point in time
For in time the affection I give will be
equaled by both her and I of us in time
For I am a patient person
But oh how it makes me dream