It's Starting again
I thought it ended with me leaving
But the prejudice is still there
I guess we must not stand up to your kind of being
I guess we are just a kind of simpleton with yawls around
Who could have known that I picked the wrong career
the right career to alienate me from the rest
I sit here almost in tears unable to talk about it
knowing that no cry will be heard
Maybe I should sit down and read every Trivial Pursuit card
Maybe my mind is just not worth being around you people
The prejudice presses in
Am I to sensitive to it all
Is it just a feeling that I get
When people tell me I am wrong all the time
I have an opinion, I have a mind
I can't always back up my opinions with facts
But I am right ?
Why is it people are made fun of ?
Is it because of the Movies they see
The Music the listen to
The Work that they do
The Ideas that they have
Who knows
The prejudice seals off
No one is willing to change
Coldness enfolds me
the eyes open up
the nightmare of the day begins anew
This is what it is like being me