The world is crashing
The wave is cresting
The life we live is singing out to us all
Singing it's long and lonely list of dreams that we all want
that we all need
A trip to here
A trip to there
A new car
A new home
A dream of past lives
of past closeness
The dream dissolves and I wake up
The dream still lives on in the waking soul
The dream of the past
See you now
See you later
See you soon
See you when-never
The past is where my heart is
The past is where you can find our friendship
our relationship of Mother and son
The dream crashes down
The relation falters
But the Mother and son move on
There can only be one mother
There can be only one son
I dream of the past
I dream of the future
I dream of us together
For the mother holds a special place in my heart
till the end of time
My mother I hold you dear
I love you