Tears roll freely once again
I am aware of my self
I know where I am falling
I am oh so fragile
I am looking for the rarest of moments
I am looking for what we all call a spark
I am looking for this thing called chemistry
Time has stopped
I am falling
I am unaware of all but you
I think of you and the touch that will be there
In that rarest of things where the dream comes true
Where I don't need to feel the sting of salt
Where touch can be felt and know that it was not me
To know that I am wanted
To know that I am needed
I know there is an order of things
I have put so much in one direction
I have reached out for those that are in need
Attempting to show them where I am and what I need
Always falling short
Nothing returning
Tears streaming at the loss of contact
I am aware of my self and what I need
I can bear some more of this world we live in
Of the fragile person I have become
I want to come home
I want to be one
Time moves on
I am aware of you
I know you
Will you be there for me