Staring out across the sea
I see the patterns in the waves
I notice the intricate lines they weave
I can see a way through the waves
through the barriers of life
It leads to a place where there are no barriers
where nothing but intimacy can exist
where all our dreams lay dormant
where all our love can be seen and understood
I start to imagine a life with you
I start to imagine what it would be like with you
I find my self standing and staring at the dark blue sea
imagining its depths and thinking of you on this day
I know how the pain of life has been
how the uncommitted travel the road most traveled
how the heart leads one forward
leads you to a man who travels
All in this new beginning can all this happen
a day staring at the sea on this one special day
can you see the patterns I see
can you believe the way I do
I see how you touch your shoulder
I see how your hands long for another
I see the barrier that is there
let it down so you can see what I see
The waves show us the barrier the choice is ours
to go over or under the wave
each choice leads us to the same place
on our special day
Staring out across the sea
Seeing life so clearly
Reflecting perfectly our desires our goals
showing us this on our special day