What is it about the distance
What is it about the words
I can see right through you
I see what you want
Can I not give you what you want
Can I not be complete us together
Can I not be what you want
Can I not see
I know I can commit
I know I can commit to someone
I know I can commit to no one
I know I committed
Life is lived one moment by myself
One long moment
Is it to be with your or as you or about you
I want you as a friend because you know me
I want you as a lover because I love to love
I want you to be happy over my happiness
I want you to see me happy
I want to run
what is it about me
what is it about you
will the moment drive you from me
are you really the big girl that you say
Are we all but little children
Looking for the love of the parent
To be needed and loved
with all that we are looking for
You see I do know what you want
What you need