I will be with you
I will love you
I will care for you
I am yours
The darkness comes
The winter can be white
The summer can be cool
I am your till the end of my soul
I have found that I am strong
I have found that fear fades with you
I have wondered if heaven and hell know
how much I adore you
I know we will hold each other soon
If Heaven and Hell decide to take notice
They will know that we stand as a pillar
A tree of life that no one can penetrate
For our will of love shines brightly
Our lives shine on others
Our hearts can warm the coldest of all
People will want to know us for we stand firm
If people can be satisfied
If heaven can be satisfied
If hell can be satisfied
Then we will have filled all that can be filled
With love in our hearts
Bringing everything to those that need it
Shining firm
Into the dark